a duo exhibition
w/ Camille Soulat & Naïa Combary, curated by Myriam Mokdes at VOITURE 14 - Marseille
Opening January 7th to the 29th 2022
Monday to Saturday 6pm - 10 pm
Le duo nous plonge dans la nostalgie et l'intensité des premières fois à travers l'ambivalence des émotions qui nous habitent et des limites à dépasser pour se construire tel qu'on est. Le refrain d'une chanson pop qu'on écoute encore, un souvenir qui se répète, et toutes ces expériences vécues dont on parcourt à présent les effets.
Entre magie et réalité virtuelle, l’exposition WHAT GOES AROUND COMES BACK AROUND explore ces âges vulnérables et les interfaces rituelles avec lesquelles ils communiquent.
The duo submerges us in the intensity and nostalgia that accompanies first experiences through the ambivalent emotions that live within us as well as the boundaries that must be crossed in order to build ourselves as ourselves. It’s the chorus of a pop song that we listen to again and again, a memory that repeats itself, it is all those lived experiences whose effects we continue to live through.
Somewhere between magic and virtual reality, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES BACK AROUND explores a vulnerable age and the ritualistic interfaces which are used to communicate within it.